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Rent News, How-To's, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

Beware of Rental Fraud

Unfortunately, a lot of people in this world have always been trying to figure out scams to defraud you of your money. Sadly, this is just something that's getting a lot worse in these tough economic times. It's not necessarily becau...

Tips and Tricks for Lowering Your Rental Costs and Expenses

Living in rental accommodations can be an expensive endeavor. From rent, security deposits, and maintenance fees to utility bills and more, the costs of renting can quickly spiral out of control if proper budgeti...

Renting Revolution: Unlocking Rental Assistance Programs and Rent-to-Own Secrets

Are you struggling to make ends meet in the rental market? Don't despair! This game-changing article unveils the hidden world of rental assistance programs and rent-to-own strategies that...

Break the Endless Cycle of Rent Payments

Renters are facing higher prices with each new lease agreement. If you're tired of renting but struggling to save enough to buy a home, be aware that there are programs available to help you reduce your expenses. By building up...

Maximizing Your Rental Assistance Benefits: Tips and Tricks

Finding help is a significant first step toward getting in control of your rent payments. Ensuring you get the most out of the assistance you receive is equally important. Here are a few tips and tricks to ...

Unlock Your Dream Home Today: Rent-to-Own Programs and Rental Assistance

Renting a home or apartment is a common choice for many individuals and families. It provides flexibility, allowing you to find a place that meets your needs without the long-term commitment of ...

What Is Renter's Insurance? Should You Get A Policy Or Skip It Entirely?

When it comes to getting insurance coverage, most people are quick to get their health, car, and life insurance policies in order, but one type of coverage that's frequently overlooked is renter's insur...

How To Identify and Avoid Rental Scams

As rental costs rise and affordable housing becomes more scarce, scammers are taking advantage of the situation with innovative rental scams. These scams come in various guises, but they are all designed to separate renters from their ...

Rental Assistance and Control in Early 2023

In early 2023, rental rates continue to rise. Affordable housing was already an issue before COVID-19, but the pandemic contributed to the problem. Many people living in the United States confront rental debt and the possi...