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Rent News, How-To's, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

What You Need to Know while Considering the Rent-to-Own Homeownership Plan

  When renting a house, you must sign a contract before moving in. However, you shouldn't sign the agreement before understanding its contents. You may even speak to a legal expert to exp...

Why You Should Consider Owning a Home through the Rent-to-Own Plan

Many individuals hope to become homeowners in the future. Some fulfill their dreams sooner than others because of different reasons. For example, you may fail to accomplish your homeownership plans because...

Is Rent-to-Own Right for You?: The Pros and Cons of Rent-to-Own Programs

Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions that many people make in their lifetime. Not only is it an expensive investment, but it also involves a long-term commitment that may be too much for som...

The Top 10 Things to Look for in a Rental Property

When you're in the market for a new rental property, it's important to take the time to thoroughly research and consider all factors before making a decision. From location and size to amenities and lease terms, t...

Things You Need to Know Before Renting an Apartment for the First Time

When the time comes for you to move out of your parent’s house, you will need to rent an apartment. While you will finally be excited to enjoy some freedom, it will come with extra responsibiliti...

Big News for Renters: The White House Unveils Measures to Safeguard Renters

In the United States, the rental market is characterized by a fragmented array of state and local regulations, often leaving renters with limited options when housing providers disregard the law o...

Considerations to Make Before Renting a House for the First Time

Moving into a new house can be exciting and challenging in equal measure. You need a house with specific features, price, and neighborhood, but you are unsure if the real estate agent will locate such for ...

Rent-to-Own Programs and Advice

Many potential homebuyers are prevented from purchasing a house because of the challenge of saving for a down payment and the high costs of mortgages. Credit scores and histories can also be problematic for those trying to buy a home. An...

The 6 Main Benefits of the Rent-to-Own Strategy

Most people aspire to own homes at one time. However, some may have better resources to achieve the dream than others. You may fail to get a mortgage loan because of a lack of down payment and a low credit score. Without a mort...