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Rent News, How-To's, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

6 Things You Should Do Before Renting a House

Renting a house is a significant step that needs enough preparation. Even though you may have saved enough money, you must know how to choose the right house to avoid regretting later. For example, you'll need to research ...

All the Information You Need before Renting a House with a Purchase Option

Are you planning to purchase a home? Then, it might be advisable to take your time to evaluate different buying options, enabling you to know the best depending on your situation. For example, if y...

A Guide to Owning a Home through the Rent-to-Own Strategy

If you plan to own a home soon, the best thing would be to save money to ensure you have enough. However, it might be challenging to fulfill your saving goal if faced with numerous financial responsibilities. In that c...

7 Things You Must Do Before Renting Any House

Renting a house comes with numerous benefits. For example, you will not worry about the home’s renovations because that is the owner’s responsibility. Additionally, you will not be responsible for remitting propert...

Exploring the Rental Market as an Investment Opportunity

Once upon a time in America's history, real estate was the number-one investment opportunity for people looking to earn a good living. This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with that popular trend o...

Keeping Maine Seniors Warm This Winter

As the cold Maine winter approaches, many seniors are worried about being able to afford the high costs of heating their homes. With fixed incomes and rising energy prices, heating oil and other fuels can strain limited budgets. F...

6 Things You Should Know When Renting an Apartment for the First Time

Renting a house for the first time can be super exciting. You’ll be free to set your house’s rules and choose what to use for décor. However, selecting the perfect unit for your needs m...

Ways to Save on Rent That You Wish You Knew Before

Rent can be one of the most expensive parts of your monthly budget. Learning new and creative ways to save on rent is vital to have more money for other necessities. Most people struggle to clear rent on time and usually ...

Rent-to-Own: The Best Home Ownership Strategy You Should Consider This Year

Most people dream of owning homes at one point in their lives. While some achieve their desires without many challenges, others face numerous problems before acquiring their dream homes. Many lack en...